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Harlem Confidential

Harlem Confidential

by Cole Riley


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List Price: $14.95
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Availability: Ships in 3 to 5 business days
ISBN: 1893196410
Yr Published: Feb. 2006
Publisher: Urban Books
PAPERBACK Pages: 288
About This Book

Roy "Cootie" Hodges, an old school pimp and thug, has served 10 years out of a 15 year sentence for the murder of a drug dealer. Known for his style, elegance, street wisdom and his decent treatment of his women, Cootie is still remembered in the hood as "The Baron;" and up and coming pimps still looked up to him despite his long incarceration. Once released, Cootie quickly reestablishes old ties and friendships by going back to the old neighborhood, hanging out at the old haunts and hanging out with old friends; but secretly he's a man on a mission--"to locate his missing daughter. With the aid of a young, dynamic pimp named Silky, Cootie delves further into the city's seedy underbelly than even he has been to rescue the daughter he lost so many years ago.